Tuesday, 30 March 2010

All about Eggs!!

It is a bit crazy, but Tiger babe's grandmom advised that I have to be careful of what I eat. This time we are talking about eggs!! I used to eat eggs from Thailand, they are cheaper. Listening to what mom has suggested, I went out for my eggs hunt, of cuz at my favourite supermarkets such as City Super and Great!!! So far I have tried organic/omega eggs from US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and UK! Canada to go.. I have to say, yes, some of them do taste 'a lot' better. I am in love with the large brown organic eggs from US. They are so yummy. The Brit's eggs are made by Happy hens :) haha .. there is a description inside the box explaning how they keep their chicken!
AND they are happy chicken!! well, yes, a bit mental, but for someone like me, who is animal lover.. will definitely be a bit mental about these things. I think I am happier eating eggs from domestic animals that are kept in a humane way :)

hmmm.. yummy eggs

Gift from Godmom on baby shopping day

So we went to South Horizon Plaza.. carefully studied the cribs and bath tubs again. Haven't ordered yet as we were running out of time, but at least I have decided what to get! I bought some books tho, such as baby whisperer and pregnancy yoga :p and the Animal Fun for Tiger Babe from Godmom Louisa! All was good, just a bit goofy that we ended up at IT outlet hehe.. and got ourselves Tsumori Wallets and card holders... oops.. you know .. my favourite cat faces.
Anyway.. it took me quite some time to report shopping as Pig was sick and I was so worried... now that he is stable I am all happy and light again :)

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Baby Shopping

This weekend is the planned baby shopping weekend with Godmom Amy :) While Tiger babe Dad and I could not decide on which crib to get last time at the South Horizon Plaza, I am going to have a look at the choices again! And hopefully I can also get the bath and dresser off the list after this weekend!

Tiger babe dad has collected a stroller and a carrier from a fren (save some cash!!) and we have decided to get the 0-36 months Bloom chair. We still have quite a lot of items in the list to go. Some basic essential like bottle steriliser...is still in the list ~_~!!

I suppose I should get more of the shopping done during easter weekend as that will be the last long holiday before due date :)

Perhaps I should get my cousin a lit gift too. her babe is due in mid May... so soon :)

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Books for Babes

I found a book castle at Lee Garden Two where we could get a whole lot of intellectual items for baby and tots, i.e., flash cards, soft books, hard covers, puzzles and even building blocks. I am so happy, I got a lit pack of flashcard for myself too, so the items offered range from bump to tots!! Can't wait to bring Tiger babe there in future!!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Follow up on Caesarean section by the SCMP

The concern caused by Caesarean births (scmp, 24 Mar 2010)

"Doctors take an oath to practise medicine ethically. They vow to do the best they can to care for patients and pledge not to harm them. Yet the dangerously high number of babies born by Caesarean section in Hong Kong calls that promise into question. Too many lives seem to be needlessly put at risk in the name of good luck, avoiding pain, convenience and making money. A Caesarean section is major abdominal surgery. It should be turned to by doctors as a last resort in births that endanger the life of a mother or her baby. The risks and complications mean that it should be used sparingly. Yet World Health Organisation statistics show that in Hong Kong it is routine - and indeed, in some cases, the method of birth of choice.
.............." (SCMP, 24 March 2010)

All these articles just came in the right time to make me feel all better and confident again :)
I am happy now :) for I was discouraged to go for a natural birth and was getting confused about making the right choice. :)

Monday, 22 March 2010

Natural birth vs Caesarean

'Four in 10 HK babies born under the knifeAlarm expressed at rise in Caesarean sections'
by Ng Yuk-hangUpdated on Mar 22, 2010

After one of our HK babies was born in a Honda Jazz last weekend with the assistant of a midwife. The SCMP had a follow up headline the next day. I wasn't very surpirsed when I read the figures as I was also persuaded to have a voluntary c-section. Now I understand it is almost like an ethical issue when we talk about natural birth and c-section without a medical reason. Are women more vulnerable now in HK? Our figures for c-section almost topped the list :p

'The average Caesarean rate across Asia is 27.3 per cent - 19.8 per cent in Japan, 35.6 per cent in Vietnam and 46.2 per cent on the mainland. The percentages for Latin America and the United States are 35 and 31 per cent respectively. ' (SCMP, 22 march 2010)

Well, I have no intention to have a planned c-section. I love following the flow and believe that the baby should come when it's ready. I believe that God has a way.

No comment on why we people would prefer c-section these days. Just understand that people in other countries are researching into ways of facilitating natural births and I know this is the healthy trend.

So work hard Tiger babe.. mommy supports you, come when you are ready :) I will here standing by for you :)

Sunday, 21 March 2010

about Sunday

So I played the piano today, for Tiger babe.. you know.. the most handsome piano Daddy bought for me and babe. Sunday is always easy and relaxed these days even tho helper is off. The only thing i started to find challenging is taking Spinks for a walk. I took the whip with me but he is more than half of my size, you see.... I talked to him all the time and he behaved quite well. Still there was concern. 

I spent morning reading a really nice book 'blooming gorgeous' by Jo Glanville-Blackburn. I felt so good reading her book. It brought me totally back on my balance and harmony. I had a bit of hurdles with my Ob. She seemed to have made me negative about natural birth. And as you know, I am the kind of person who love things natural... well.. after a four days of 'talking' to experienced moms, yoga teachers, my GP... colleagues.. My confidence is back, I am watching my diet, of cuz, I am such a capricorn, that is no challenge, I am determined, I have to keep myself extremely fit for the big day. I will research more so I can get myself well prepared for it. And believe that God will guide me thru :)

So.. here I am , diet watch Day 4, I could even skip Mango Pudding at wedding banquet, can you believe that? me, the sweet tooth gal! haha.. anyway.. i am happy with healthy food, I used to have it when I did my ballet and riding so seriously. I like it. 

so.. i skipped blog yesterday, so busy running around hospitals and helper agencies. Hopefully we can find someone soon who will love taking care of Tiger babe :)

Friday, 19 March 2010

Gifts from Amy

Ok... of course there will be lots of gifts from Godmother, here comes the baby cleansing gel, good for mom too :)

Then there is the music box delivered all the way from Japan. And she picked all the lit elements for us... 3 froggies... remind me of the daddy :p

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Diet Watch!!!

I got really nice japanese dessert from my japanese fren! Thanks Tinky!! It is so yummy!!! but I was told last night that I have to stop eating sweet :( u know I have such a sweet tooth... aarggghhhhh these are my last lit sweet treats frens.. don't send me any cakes or candies.. maybe after summer

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

An early gift from sis

how cute!!! can u imagine baby wearing them? just a few months to go...

Monday, 15 March 2010

while we are waiting....

as everybody said, having a baby is truly a miracle... to me it is a blessing.. baby brings you all the joy and love.. while we are waiting, we enjoy the anticipation...embrace the intimacy and the bonding between us and our future lovely babe......wk 28 day (1) 1st day of month 8